Mónica Duarte Oliveira
Full Professor
Instituto Superior Técnico
BMC Health Services Research | 2023
European Journal of Operational Research | 2023
Carlos Costa
Teresa Rodrigues
João Costa
Ângela Freitas
Paula Santana
Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia | 2022
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2022
Frontiers in Public Health | 2022
Research Groups
DECISING – DECISion science and management engineerING
In order to create truly sustainable and resilient health systems it is essential that there is collaboration at the system level between all stakeholders including governments, public and private providers and healthcare payers. The Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resiliency (PHSSR) is committed to collaborating across sectors and borders to help build more resilient and more sustainable health systems for the future.
IMPACT HTA - Improved methods and Actionable Tools for enhancing Health Technology Assessment
IMPACT HTA is a research project looking at new and improved methods across ten thematic areas aiming at:
understanding variations in costs and health outcomes within and across countries, and
integrating clinical and economic data from different sources to improve methods in economic evaluation in the context of HTA and health system performance measurement
MEDI-VALUE - Developing HTA tools to consensualise MEDICAL DEVICES' VALUE through multicriteria decision analysis
The MEDI-VALUE project aims at advancing Health Technology Assessment (HTA) literature by developing innovative methodologies and tools to assess the multidimensional value of Medical Devices, being ultimately aligned with promoting resilient health systems that balance access to care with innovation and sustainability.
ImproveOR - Decision support tools for better quality in operating rooms management
The ImproveOR project aims at improving efficiency in surgical care delivery and at improving access to surgical care, as a result of an increase of the operating room responsiveness to surgical demand and a better coordination between surgical supply and demand. Decision support tools are developed combining optimization approaches to assist resource capacity planning decisions in the operating room with structured participatory approaches to capture stakeholders’ views and preferences regarding the surgical patient flows and the planning and scheduling of surgeries.
SCOPE-Spatial Data Sciences for COVID-19 Pandemic
Spatial Data Sciences (SDS) can provide significant insights into explaining spatial patterns of infectious diseases, understanding and predicting spatio-temporal transmission dynamics, predicting and monitoring the impact of control interventions, which are driven by geographical factors, designing and evaluating optimal resources allocation strategies and cost-effectiveness analyses that incorporate a spatial component and analysing inequities in healthcare based on geography.