The PhD Program in Engineering and Management equips students with the mastery of a variety of methods within the field of Management Science, across a broad range of themes. The approaches adopted are applicable to decision and analysis problems in the fields of business management, public policy, and wherever the interaction between technology, economy and society is required.
Graduates combine technological knowledge, management scientific methods, and organizational factors, and play an increasingly important role in business development both in the industry and services, government, and produce independent scientific research with international impact.
The PhD program in Engineering and Public Policy prepares students to develop research in public policy and management of technology by addressing real world issues where technology, business and legal aspects are equally important. This program focuses on networked infrastructures and offers specializations in telecom policy and energy policy. It also provides strong preparation in decision analysis applied to real world problems.
The program trains public policy analysts able to tackle complex, ill-defined and unstructured, real world problems of large scale and to develop information and knowledge to effective manage such systems.
This program results from a partnership between Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA), a leading research institution in public policy related issues, and IST and Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto. Students do part of their degree in CMU’s Department of Engineering and Public Policy and part in one of the Portuguese institutions. The program focuses on problems in science, technology and public policy in which the interaction of technology, humans and institutions play central importance. It addresses unstructured and complex problems that are best tackled by combining fundamental and applied knowledge from various traditional research fields using multidisciplinary research mechanisms and tools.
Environmental Engineering at IST is a multi and inter-disciplinary scientific area that cross-relates traditional engineering skills and technologies with social, economics, land use, planning and management and other environmental related knowledges to provide multiple research and innovation opportunities founded upon solid oriented environmental engineering, enabling integrated solutions to environmental problems driven by sustainability challenges and priorities.
The main objective of the doctoral program is to provide the students with advanced and high quality education in the Environmental Sciences and Technologies, enabling them with the capacity to develop research work at academic or enterprise levels.
MEGI graduates are engineers with an interdisciplinary vision of business problems, with a solid background in the basic sciences, fundamental technologies, economics and management. The strong interdisciplinary component allows future masters to apply their knowledge to problem solving, even in new or unfamiliar situations, evidence of a professional systems approach integrating scientific, technological and management knowledge.
The skills acquired in the MEGI allow engineers to collect, select and interpret relevant information to evaluate solutions as well as justify their proposed solutions. The graduates develop skills for a professional intervention in a wide scope of organizations, whether in the industry, the services or in research.
The Masters in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MEGIE) main objective is to train qualified professionals and equip them with tools in innovation management, design thinking and development of new products and services, entrepreneurship and commercialization of technology, and multi-level technological and sectoral policies, contributing to the formulation and implementation of innovative business strategies and public policies, as well as the creation of new technology-based companies.
MEGIE intends to train human resources that, positioned in industry and services, public institutions, universities, R&D units, organizations dedicated to the commercialization and transfer of technology, or in other areas of the Scientific and Technological System, can contribute to enhance the role played by Science and Technology in promoting business competitiveness and employment, as well as sustainable and socially responsible economic development.
The MSc in Energy Engineering and Management offers a cross-cutting program in the energy field, combining technical specialized knowledge, grounded on a solid scientific basis, with a broader perspective of the interactions with economics, environment and innovation in the energy area.
The Master in Energy Engineering and Management aims at training the new generation of skilled professionals to be active in the energy sector. With this goal, the program offers cross training in the energy field, ensuring specialized technical knowledge, grounded on a solid scientific basis, complemented with a broad knowledge in the areas of economics, environment and innovation.
The Master In Energy and Management combines the academic experience and the industry connections of the various departments at IST with the different international partnerships of prestigious European schools in which IST participates to offer a multidisciplinary program in the field of energy.
Biomedical Engineering (EBM) is an engineering area where the theoretical and experimental tools of engineering are used to analyze and solve the complex problems of health, with emphasis on applications in medicine, biology, psychology and even social Sciences.
The typical problems addressed in this course are as varied and comprehensive as cell movement, nervous system physiology and how its electrical and metabolic activity can be observed and measured, mechanisms of muscle contraction, biocompatibility of materials and how they can be used in implant design, genetic engineering and tissue regeneration, reconstruction of medical and biological imaging, paradigm design and data analysis in neurosciences and the manipulation of sensitive medical data in databases used in management of hospital units and in decision support problems.