Vânia Filipa Barbosa Veloso
PhD Student
Centro de Estudos de Gestão do Instituto Superior Técnico
Vânia Veloso is a researcher at the Centre for Management Studies in Instituto Superior Técnico (CEGIST). She is an Industrial and Management Engineer who graduated in October 2020 from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa. Vânia developed her master's thesis, which focused on the study of circular economy strategies and sustainability performance assessment of agri-food supply chains, in the scope of the research project "MobFood: Mobilization of Scientific and Technological Knowledge in Response to the Challenges of the Agri-Food Sector). In September 2021, Vânia enrolled in the Engineering and Management Doctoral Program at IST, and is currently working on her PhD thesis titled "Design and Performance Assessment of Symbiotic Supply Chains" under the supervision of Professor Ana Carvalho and Professor Ana Barbosa-Póvoa. Vânia is also an invited assistant at the Department of Engineering and Management of IST, where she teaches the courses of Operations Planning and Control and Industrial Management and Environment. Her main research interests include supply chain management, sustainable supply chains, and circular economy.
Research Groups
OpLog – Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
SUSTAINS - SUSTainable solutions and Assessment for cIrcular ecoNomy Systems
SUSTAINS - SUSTainable solutions and Assessment for cIrcular economy Systems (SUSTAINS) is branch of CEGIST dedicated to research on sustainability practices in a circular economy perspective and sustainability assessment tools, conducting theoretical and practical research in three main topics: 1) Developing sustainable operations and supply chains solutions towards circular economy systems; 2) Economic, Environmental and Social evaluation through Life Cycle Assessment methodologies; and 3) Development of decision support tools for sustainability implementation and
MobFood - Mobilizing scientific and technological knowledge in response to the challenges of the agri-food market
MobFood focuses on the food sector, so that it is sustainable, fully integrated, interconnected, transparent, resilient, safe, efficient in the use of resources and consumer-centered. These objectives will be achieved through the implementation of solutions in three main pillars: "Food Safety and Sustainability", "Food for Health and Well-being" and "Safe Food and Quality", materializing in the investigation and development of new processes, products or services.
mSSChain - Managing Sustainable Supply Chains Sustainable Supply Chains
The m-SSChain project address the research questions how to design, plan and operate Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC) under an uncertain environment. Within this scope, the project aims to develop comprehensive and innovative general models for the design, planning and operation of resilient SSC under uncertainty. These models will be validated using real industrial cases.
The main objective of the DM4Manufacturing project is the integrated development of advanced robotics with decision making methodologies to maximize the productivity of the factories of the future. Robots will be able to collaborate with humans in a shared workspace in the shop-floor, creating a co-working partnership, and will receive manufacturing orders in a completely flexible manufacturing scenario.