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Sofia Machaqueiro

Administrative Assistant

Centro de Estudos de Gestão do Instituto Superior Técnico


Degree in Modern and Contemporary History, ISCTE, with a professional background as Project Manager in the areas of Communication, Public Relations, Event Production/Management, Press Relations and Marketing. 
Keywords > Communication | Team Work | Interpersonal Skills

Research Groups

SEI - Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation

SEI branch conducts applied research in topics related with corporate strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation, and their relationship with industry dynamics, labour markets, and economic development.

SUSTAINS - SUSTainable solutions and Assessment for cIrcular ecoNomy Systems

SUSTAINS - SUSTainable solutions and Assessment for cIrcular economy Systems (SUSTAINS) is branch of CEGIST dedicated to research on sustainability practices in a circular economy perspective and sustainability assessment tools, conducting theoretical and practical research in three main topics: 1) Developing sustainable operations and supply chains solutions towards circular economy systems; 2) Economic, Environmental and Social evaluation through Life Cycle Assessment methodologies; and 3) Development of decision support tools for sustainability implementation and



CEGIST - Centro de Estudos de Gestão
Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049 - 001 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 841 77 29 (ext. 1729)
Fax: +351 21 841 79 79

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