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Bill Williams in presentation of International Handbook at CISPEE conference

CEGIST researcher Bill Williams was an invited panelist for a plenary session at the recent CISPEE 2023 conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (SPEE) in Guimarães.

The Roundtable presented the International Handbook of Engineering Education Research, recently published by Routledge. The session was chaired by Rui Lima of the University of Minho (left above) and featured contributions from Aditya Johri of George Mason University, editor of the volume, participating  via video-conference, Gustavo Alves of ISEP (centre) who co-authored a chapter on remote laboratories and CEGIST’s Bill Williams (right) who served on the Scientific Advisory Board.


The 760-page book is a follow up to Johri and Old’s acclaimed Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research (2014) and includes 30 chapters authored by 100 scholars from 20 countries spread across five continents. Unusually for an academic volume of this kind, an Open Access version has been made available at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.




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