Edgar José Sanches Mascarenhas
PhD Student
Centro de Estudos de Gestão do Instituto Superior Técnico
PhD student in Engineering and Management at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. PhD project focused on the development and integration of multicriteria methods and virtual group processes to be applied and tested in the evaluation of medical devices within hospital settings. BSc and MSc in Biomedical Enginering from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2009-2014). Three years of professional experience in healthcare IT consultancy companies (Glintt and Novabase), working as business intelligence analyst and developer in projects for the Portuguese Ministry of Health. His research interests include: multicriteria decision analysis, group decision support processes, behavioral operational research.
Estudos de Homenagem a José da Silva Costa | 2023
João Soares
ORAHS 2019 | 2019
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials | 2016
ITEC Proceedings 2014 | 2014
Research Groups
DECISING – DECISion science and management engineerING
ERASMUS+ project Fall-In-Age: New innovative training content based on technological applications for Frailty & Falls Management
Fall-in-Age Project aims at the development and implementation of an online open course for students, specialists and professionals in the area of healthcare and geriatrics. The course focuses on the application of biomechanical technologies for the assessment and treatment of frailty and reduction of the number of falls in elderly people.