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Professor Ana Carvalho, CEG-IST member, author of an article published in the International Society of Engineering Pedagogy

The International Society of Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP) published the article “Promoting Sustainable Development Goals in higher education: The engineering schools’ role”, by CEG-IST member Professor Ana Carvalho. The article discusses the impact of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 - Quality Education, focusing in the contribute Engineering Schools can bring to other SDG’s, such as SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 7- Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production, SDG 13 - Climate Action, SDG 14 - Life Below Water and SDG 15 - Life on Land, summarizing that the role of higher educational institutions can make SDGs into a reality and Engineering Education can make a strong contribution.

Ana Carvalho



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