With the Second CEGIST Away-day taking place recently, this is a good time to recall the first event in 2022 at the Morgado Lusitano estate and stables in Bucelas, near Lisbon.

The morning activities featured a visit to the stables that housed fine Lusitano thoroughbreds.

This was followed by a team-building activity where to the surprise of all, 35 CEGIST participants became a violin orchestra, playing a number of pieces together despite not one of the group ever playing the instrument previously. This was all brought through the adroit facilitation of violin teacher Rita Mendes of the Orchestra in an Hour organisation.

After lunch, an indoor session involved reports form CEGIST President José Rui Figueira and newly appointed Pre-Award officer Mariana Santa Marta.

The day was completed with an outdoor brainstorming, World-café session focusing on future directions for CEGIST. The ideas generated in this session have since fed into CEGIST’s strategic planning.