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CEG-IST member Professor Rui Baptista co-author of article about COVID-19 vaccination published in PLOS ONE

The article “Psychological characteristics and the mediating role of the 5C Model in explaining students’ COVID-19 vaccination intention”, by Annelot Wismans, Roy Thurik, Marcus Dejardin, Frank Janssen, Ingmar Frankenwe and CEG-IST member, Rui Baptista, was published in PLOS ONE, the journal community whose main purpose is working together to advance science for the benefit of society, now and in the future. The article focusses in COVID-19 vaccination intention using data from university students from three countries, the Netherlands, Belgium and Portugal, investigating the psychological drivers of vaccination intention using the 5C model as mediator, including five antecedents of vaccination: Confidence, Complacency, Constraints, Calculation and Collective Responsibility.


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