
The PhD Programme is structured for a 4-year period. It must include (i) a set of curricular units with a minimum workload equivalent to 30 ECTS, (ii) a seminar/project of the thesis (30 ECTS) and (iii) the thesis itself (180 ECTS).

The curricular program will be anchored on existing doctoral and advanced master level curricular units of the PIs, namely in Civil Engineering.

Full details about the curricular units offered can be found in the following URLs:

University of Lisbon – Técnico Lisboa (IST)

University of Porto – Faculty of Engineering (FEUP)

University of  Minho

University of Aveiro


In this PhD program the following two units are required:

Uncertainty Analysis

Reliability and Risk Analysis

The Doctoral Program InfraRisk- is focused on the following main research domains within civil engineering: (i) Conduct hazard assessment; (ii) Perform vulnerability analysis of the several infrastructures, including the interdependence effects; (iii) Propose and prioritize solutions and techniques for the strengthening and rehabilitation of infrastructures; (iv) Contribute to define prevention and preparedness policies and measures aiming at the enhancement of socio-economic resilience.
The Doctoral Program in Analysis and Mitigation of Risks in Infrastructures involves a partnership between four universities - University of Lisbon - Técnico Lisboa (IST), University of Porto - Faculty of Engineering (FEUP), University of Minho (UMinho) and University of Aveiro (UA) - the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC) and ICIST (Instituto de Engenharia de Estruturas, Território e Construção). The degree attributed to the candidates will be a PhD degree in Civil Engineering from one of the partner higher education institutions.