Latest Advances in PLD Techniques

During the 1990’s and early 2000’s Drs. Koinuma and Kawasaki developed a combinatorial PLD system which enabled researches to produce and evaluate many more high quality samples in much less time.

Yet another plasma plume

Using this system of sliding masks and multiple targets, researchers can choose any size and shape of mask, and choose any combination of targets to pile a single atom on each pixel in a substrate according to their epitaxial design. By means of a Scanning RHEED the research can observe the surface structures and thickness of layer accumulation in real time.

This process has been widely acclaimed not only for its efficiency, but even more importantly for the uniformity of film depth and consistent high quality of the samples produced.

Drs. Koinuma and Kawasaki also have recently developed a PLD system for large samples up to 3” in diameter, which consistently produces the same high quality results.

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