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Susana Isabel Carvalho Relvas

Professor Associado

Instituto Superior Técnico



Operations Research and Big Data: IO2015-XVII Congress of Portuguese Association of Operational Research (APDIO) | 2015

Operational Research | 2015

Joaquim Jorge Vicente

Ana Paula Barbosa Povoa

JP Almeida

JF Oliveira

AA Pinto

12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Pt C | 2015

Diovanina Dimas

Valeria V. Murata

Sergio M. S. Neiro

Ana Paula Barbosa-Povoa

KV Gernaey

JK Huusom

R Gani

Operations Research and Big Data: IO2015-XVII Congress of Portuguese Association of Operational Research (APDIO) | 2015

Omega-International Journal of Management Science | 2015

Sonia R. Cardoso

Augusto Q. Novais

Grupos de Investigação



CEGIST - Centro de Estudos de Gestão
Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049 - 001 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 841 77 29 (ext. 1729)
Fax: +351 21 841 79 79


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