The paper "The state of Portuguese research in economics: 20 years after", recently published in the Portuguese Economic Journal, reflects on the state of Portuguese research in economics, with an emphasis on the 2000–2019 period. CEGIST member Rui Baptista is listed as one of the authors with most citations, in the economics and related areas.

Rui Baptista is Full Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. From 2016 to 2020 Rui was Chair of the Department of Engineering and Management of Instituto Superior Técnico. From 2013-2015 Rui was Chair in International Entrepreneurship and Director of Research at Brunel Business School, Brunel University London. Other previous academic positions include Indiana University Bloomington and Carnegie Mellon University. Rui holds a PhD from London Business School. His research focuses on the subjects of entrepreneurship, innovation, strategic human capital, technological change and the labour market, industry dynamics, economic geography, and regional development. He is Editor of Small Business Economics - An Entrepreneurship Journal and member of the Editorial Board, Eurasian Business Review.

"The state of Portuguese research in economics: 20 years after" > This paper presents a look at the state of Portuguese research in economics, with an emphasis on the 2000–2019 period. For this purpose, three distinct data sets were used, namely on publications, citations, and the situation of economics researchers in Portuguese universities. Over the last 20 years, the number of publications in international journals that show affiliations to Portuguese institutions as well as publications by Portuguese authors with foreign affiliations increased considerably. However, after peaking in 2013, the number of publications has since decreased. This may be partly due to the 2010–2014 financial crisis that imposed several restrictions on Portuguese universities, but other factors may also have contributed to the decline.