The paper "Enhancing knowledge construction processes within multicriteria decision analysis: The Collaborative Value Modelling framework", by CEGIST members Ana Vieira, Mónica Oliveira and Carlos Bana e Costa, was awarded with the Isabel Themido Award, in the latest edition of the Portuguese Association for Operational Research | APDIO Congress. The paper, published in Omega 94 (2020) 102047, proposes a new Collaborative Value Modelling framework, that combines Delphi and multicriteria decision conferencing, to build widely informed evaluation models.

The award was given ex-aequo to the paper "A deterministic bounding procedure for the global optimization of a bi-level mixed-integer problem", by Inês Soares, Maria João Alves and Carlos Henggeler Antunes and published in the European Journal of Operational Research 291 (2021) 52–66 >