This seminar will take place on March 14 at 14:30, online via Zoom (link below)
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From a systems engineering perspective, an efficient way to materialize the Digital Twin as a virtual representation of a real system can be achieved through the use of simulation. As such, simulation models can represent the real activities of a given system, while also allowing users to take into account uncertainties and randomness to test alternative scenarios. This way, the digital twin becomes a solid decision-support tool. However, despite the potential benefits that simulation has in designing Digital Twins, several modeling challenges can be identified. In light of this, the purpose of this seminar is twofold. First, it intends to describe a set of engineering projects in which simulation was the main applied method. Traffic management, logistics and production environments were the main domains that were addressed in these projects. The second purpose of the seminar is to discuss some of the insights obtained from these projects, as modelling challenges, for simulation in the pursuit of the Digital Twin. In this regard, some of the aspects to consider include simulation worldviews, animation, modeling approach, data integration, model generation and real-time features. By using a variety of project domains and modelling approaches, this seminar fosters a discussion over the main challenges that entails the development of Digital Twins from a systems engineering perspective.
Speaker's bio
António A. C. Vieira is an Assistant Professor at the University of Évora (UÉ), where he participates in curricular units related to subjects such as operations management, operations research, decision models and management information systems. He is a researcher at the CEFAGE (Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics) of the UÉ and Algoritmi of the University of Minho (UM) research centers. He has a Ph.D. in Advanced Engineering Systems for Industry from the UM, a M.Sc. in Systems Engineering from the UM and a B.Sc. in Informatics Engineering from the UM. He is Deputy Director of the Degree in Management of the UÉ. He is an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Simulation Modelling and the Applied Sciences Journal. He is author and coauthor of more than 30 publications in international journals, book chapters and conferences. His main research interests are Industrial Engineering and Management and Systems Engineering, mainly with the use of Modeling and Simulation and Data Engineering approaches.
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