FLUVIO Consortium results from an institutional partnership that gathered a well reputed teaching staff, supported by a consolidated of theoretical knowledge and application experiences. The following institutions agreed to join their efforts to put together this PhD Program:
1) Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa): Institution granting the academic degree and Proponent Institution
ULisboa is a research oriented university and the largest Portuguese public university. ULisboa participates through its Departments of Natural Resources, Environment and Landscape, and Civil Engineering and Arquitecture, together providing skills in ecology, water quality and sustainable use of environment, and hydraulic and river modelling expertise. Two faculties of the ULisboa will be involved in the FLUVIO program:
Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA/ULisboa)
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/ULisboa)
2) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain (UPM)
UPM participates through its Hydrobiology Research Group in Forestry Engineering School.Its expertise includes the use of stream habitat simulation models and lab facilities for taxonomic and biological evaluations.
3) University of Life Sciences and Natural Resources, Austria (BOKU)
BOKU University in Vienna participates through its Institute for Hydrobiology and Water Management, http://www.wau.boku.ac.at/ihg/. Its expertise includes water and riverscape management, environmental flows and effects of river regulation, fish pass efficiency and design, fis ecology and fisheries management.
4) Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil (UFBA)
UFBA participates through its Polytechnic Engineering School. The main areas of activity relevant for FLUVIO are ecological flows, biomonitoring and water quality.
Centre for Research in Hydrosystems, Lisbon, Portugal (CEHIDRO)
CEHIDRO activity includes areas closely related to the PhD programme such as Hydraulics, Water Resources, Quality and Pollution Control.
Forest Research Centre, Lisbon, Portugal (CEF)
CEF leads Portuguese research on the sustainable use of forests and natural ecosystems including an area of Biodiversity in Forest, Aquatic and Agro-ecosystems.
Environmental Consulting Klagenfurt (ECK)
Located in Austria, ECK is skilled in hydrology, biology, botany, eco-informatics, riparian ecology and GIS science. This partner offers consulting services in landscape management and river restoration but is also actively involved in the academic education with BOKU University, Vienna. FLUVIO students can profit from its expertise in field survey, data analysis and modelling.
Katopodis Ecohydraulics Ltd. (KE)
KE is a Canadian company, with specific skills in hydrodynamic modelling for ecological flows, morphodynamics of habitat restoration and ecohydraulics of fish passage systems. Research equipment available for the FLUVIO program includes PIV and ADV and also boats, telemetry gear, swim and open channel flumes.