
FLUVIO aims to develop scientific knowledge in the fields of restoration and management of fluvial processes and river quality, thus contributing to improve the sustainable development of human societies and the conservation of natural resources.


Concerning the students, the program intends to:

i) acquainted them with the problems of different types of rivers, presenting environmentally challenging case-studies;

ii) stimulate their innovative aptitudes, while training them into hypotheses testing, scientific reasoning and rigor;

iii) train their skills to communicate and to write to wider science audiences;

iv) design versatile and useful career profiles for highly trained and skilled researchers, promoting the application of results by the private sector and by regional and governmental agencies.

However, individual training will be complemented by stimulus to work in group and by personal and scientific enrichment based on mobility between the countries involved in the FLUVIO Consortium.

FLUVIO strengths
  • Multidisciplinary advanced education
  • Applied training in private companies
  • Scientific cutting-edge PhD thesis
  • fluvio@isa.ulisboa.pt
  • +351 21 3653380