Programme governance

The governance of the FLUVIO is guaranteed by the Coordination Committee (CCFLUVIO), the Scientific Committee (SCFLUVIO) and the external Advisory Committee (ACFLUVIO).

Programme Director (PD): Prof. Maria Teresa Ferreira


1. Recruit the cohorts of PhD students;

2. Organize courses and secondments;

3. Gather thesis subjects and allocate them;

4. Monitor student’s evolution;

5. Promote sharing and contacts;

6. Stimulate outreaching.

CCFLUVIO members: Maria Teresa Ferreira (ISA/ULisboa), António Nascimento Pinheiro (IST/ULisboa), Diego Garcia de Jalon (UPM), Lafayette Luz (UFBA), Gerold Winkler (BOKU) Christos Katopodis (KE), Gregory Egger (ECK).



1. Endorse CCFLUVIO decisions;

2. Approve students training profiles;

3. Obtain and harmonize thesis subjects.

SCFLUVIO members: Maria Teresa Ferreira (ISA/ULisboa), António Brito (ISA/ULisboa), António Nascimento Pinheiro (IST/ULisboa), Rodrigo Proença de Oliveira (IST/ULisboa), Thomas Hein (BOKU), Wolfram Graf (BOKU), Marta Tanago (UPM), Luís Garrote (UPM), Luciano Matos Queiroz (UFBA), Yonilde Medeiros (UFBA), Christos Katopodis (KE), Martin Schletterer (ECK).



1. External auditing of the PhD;

2. Supervise decisions and analyse functioning;

3. Advise on career plans and suggest improvements;

4. Help disseminate the PhD

ACFLUVIO members: Robert M. Hughes (Chair) (Oregon State University, USA); Nuno Portal (EDP, Portugal); Rui Cortes (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal); Felix Frances (University of Valencia, Spain); Paulo Armando V. de Oliveira (EMBRAPA, Brasil); Toni Munne (Catalan Water Agency, Spain); Stephanne Stroffek (Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerranée et Corse, France); Paulo Pompeu dos Santos (Universidade Federal de Lavras).



FLUVIO strengths
  • Multidisciplinary advanced education
  • Applied training in private companies
  • Scientific cutting-edge PhD thesis
  • +351 21 3653380