
The curricular structure of the ChemMat doctoral programme is based on the 3rd cycles (Bologna system) in Chemistry already existing in any of the participating Institutions: Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade de Coimbra and Faculdade de Ciências – Universidade do Porto. These 3rd cycles are however specially adapted to fulfill the specific requirements of ChemMat  programme in chemistry of materials with emphasis on electrical magnetic and optical functionalities.

The doctoral Programs in Chemistry to be followed in one of these universities will have a similar flexible modular structure which can be tailored to each student’s career plan, to be built between the student, its supervisor and the Programme Director, taking into account the student previous background and choice of research topic.  Among the  advanced courses the student  will be able to chosen from an open list, at least two of the following subjects are mandatory:

  • Advanced materials characterization techniques
  • Optoelectronic properties of materials
  • Electric and magnetic properties of materials
  • Advanced topics in Nano-Materials Chemistry

The research projects to be offered include many of the present hot topics in Materials Chemistry and nanostructured multifunctional materials, such as:

  • Synthetic metals
  • Magnetic conductors
  • Multiferroics
  • Nanomagnets
  • Thermoelectric materials for energy conversion
  • Mixed ionic-electronic conductors for alternative energy sources
  • Switchable materials
  • Light responsive materials
  • Lighting and displays (OLEDs, phosphor-based white light generation, …)
  • Optical-based imaging and diagnostic nanomaterials.
  • Materials for photovoltaic applications (Organics, Hybrid Metal Nanostructures, Organic Charge-Transfer Interfaces, Up/down-conversion)
  • Electric magnetic and optical sensors

These research projects will be largely supported by and interlinked to several international collaborations of the participating research groups. As far as possible the research projects of the students will be developed in the framework of international collaborative research projects and it is envisaged that all students will spend on average 6 months abroad for their research work. The contribution of professors coming from different countries to deliver specialized topical seminar or courses is also planned.

ChemMat is a partnership between different research units in three different Universities: Instituto Superior Técnico (proponent institution). Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Coimbra. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto. Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN). Centro de Química Física Molecular (CQFM). Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE). Instituto de Telecomunicações-Lisboa (IT Lisboa).
ChemMat is a PhD programme in Materials Chemistry with emphasis on optic electric and magnetic functionalities. It aims at providing advanced education and training in Chemistry including on advanced preparative tools, with a deep knowledge of electrical optical and magnetic properties of materials in order to address the most recent challenges in the development of advanced materials with emphasis on nanostructured and multifunctional materials.