Application requirements
The ChemMat programme aims at attracting highly motivated and talented students which have completed a Master or equivalent university degree in Chemistry, Materials Science, or related field in either a national institution or an internationally recognized school from all over the world. Preference will be given to students with a solid background in preparative chemistry and materials science. The motivation of the candidates to advance their level of knowledge by embracing cutting edge scientific research integrated in top research groups in Portugal with strong international collaborations, is among the most appreciated values in the target population.
Since English is the official language of the doctoral programme, applicants also need sufficient knowledge of English language, in order to ensure efficient communication with his/her program supervisors, as well as with all the professors and colleagues involved in the program
The minimum English requirements are one of the following:
- English is the candidate’s native language;
- The candidate has attended his/her Master courses in English;
- The candidate has passed a standard English test: e.g. TOEFL, IELTS or TOEIC;
- The conversation skills revealed during the interview are considered satisfactory.
The following individuals may apply to this program:
- Portuguese citizens, or citizens of other European Union member states;
- Citizens of other countries who hold permanent residence permits in Portugal or who hold the status of long-term resident, under the terms of Law 23/2007 of July 4, amended by Law no. 29/2012 of August 9;
- Citizens of other countries with whom Portugal holds reciprocity agreements;
- Citizens of other countries, through a preliminary personal interview, in the terms laid out by item c) of nº 1 of Article 14 of Regulations for Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology.
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (pdf) to be uploaded for a valid application are:
- Curriculum Vitae (detailed);
- Master Diploma or proof of current enrolment in a Master program (subject to its completion before the end of application period)(*);
- Motivation letter with indication of up to 3 preferred PhD projects within the available list and indication if a grant is requested;
- List of disciplines of the academic course(s) with their respective marks;
- Two Reference letters;
- Proof of English skills, if necessary.
A list of Ph.D. project proposals will be included with the call for Ph.D. candidates to be released each year. Each applicant will be requested to select, in the application form (motivation letter), between one and three projects from the list.
(*) Foreign academic diploma will be accepted after recognition by Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior or by Portuguese Public High Education Institutions, in agreemente with Law 341/2007, of Octoober 12 and Law 283/83, of june 21.
Selection criteria
The selection of the candidates will be based on an objective evaluation of the following specific criteria and weights: Academic records & training in Chemistry, Materials, or related field (40%); Research experience related to the specific project (25%); Project with industrial participation (10%); Reputation/ranking of home institution (15%); Motivation (5%); Reference letters (5%).
From the ranked list of candidates, a short list with top candidates in a number roughly the same as the existing project proposals will be prepared.
The final ranking of the candidates from the short list will be established considering also an interview, either live if feasible, or via telephone/video conference, based on the formula: Final ranking = [initial ranking + interview score (0–100%)] / 2.
The Selection Committee will submit to the ChemMat Directive Board (DB) the results of the evaluation, for approval. After selection, the DB will submit the admission proposals to the Scientific Councils of the participating institutions to which the students apply (IST/UL, FCT/UC, and FC/UP). The admission of a student will become official after final acceptance of the Scientific Council of the corresponding institution.
To the best candidates will be given a 4-year PhD scholarship funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT)
Application Submission
Applications must be submitted online during the opening periods to be announced in this site.
The seventh call for applicantions will open 6th November until 5th December 2019 and selected candidates are expected to be announced in the end of December 2019.