

INESC MN is a private, non-profit R&D institute,operating a Class 100/10 cleanroom microfabarication facility and is internationally-known in its core research activities in spintronics and thin film MEMS. Over the past decade, INESC MN has expanded to Lab-on-Chip, microfluidics and biosensors.  INESC MN has been involved in a large number of European projects (13 since 2008). In addition, it currently participates in 3 Marie-Curie initial training networks.  The 4 senior INESC MN team members have supervised over 40 PhD theses and 40 post-doctoral fellows over the past 15 years. INESC MN has active involvement with a large number of national and international companies.


INL is a research infrastructures dedicated to nanosciences and nanotechnology, with an International Status, and at present with two member states, Portugal and Spain. INL´s main research areas are nanomedicine, nanoelectronics and energy, nanofood, and nanostructure synthesis. INL operates a class 100/class 1000 cleanroom for micro and nanofabrication, state of the art high accuracy labs, and biology and chemistry laboratories. INL has strong training activity at the postdoctoral level, with 2 COFUND programs in Portugal offering ~ 40 fellowships over 4 years. Currently INL also participates in 6 FP7 projects (2 Marie Curie ITNs), other FPT programs, and 2 ERDF programs in Health and Nanoelectronics. INL coordinates a doctoral program in Nanomedicine with Universities in Galiza, soon to be joined by Universities of northern Portugal. INL recently started a bilateral collaboration with CAPES-Brasil, to receive 20 to 30 Brazilian researchers/trainees per year.


INESC-ID, is dedicated to R&D in information technology, electronics and telecommunications, performing basic and applied research and advanced education.  INESC-ID is a non-profit, privately owned institution operating since 1999. In December 2004 the institution was awarded the status of Lab. Associado. With more than 100 PhD researchers, INESC-ID organizes their activities in 5 research labs: Computer Systems and Communication Networks; Embedded Electronic Systems; Information and Decision Support Systems; Interactive Intelligent Systems; and Energy Systems. INESC-ID has participated in more than 40 European projects and more than 120 national projects funded by the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology. Currently, INESC ID hosts 138 PhD students  and 85 PhDs have graduated in the last 5 years.


The Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB) is an academic research centre of the Univ. Nova de Lisboa. ITQB’s mission is to carry out scientific research and postgraduate teaching in chemistry, life sciences, and associated technologies, while simultaneously serving the community and performing university outreach activities for the promotion of science and technology.  Consisting of 62 independent teams, ITQB hosts more than 400 researchers, including 160 PhD students. The high quality of research at ITQB is reflected in its contribution to publications by Portuguese research groups in Nature and Science (20% in 5 years), in the number of papers published annually in WoS journals, and in the impact of research (e.g. 250 papers and 7000 citations in 2011). ITQB’s total budget between 2008 and 2012 was €64.13M. Approximately 35% of this funding was in the form of research projects.


The Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences is a new research unit in engineering and life sciences at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa (UL), aiming at excellence in research and advanced education in biotechnology by responding to the challenge of exploring innovative approaches to key scientific questions in biosciences and bioengineering. This Institute was created in 2013, by the integration of two research groups, the BioEngineering Research Group (BERG) and the Biological Sciences Research Group (BSRG).

The mission of the IBB is to promote cross-disciplinary research, development and education
encompassing the biological and engineering disciplines for the benefit of the industrial, environmental and health sectors. IBB aims to create a research and educational environment to make an international impact, and to produce future leaders in the Biotechnology field.


Faculdade de Farmácia, Univ. de Lisboa (FF/ULisboa) hosts the Research Institute for Medicines – Instituto de Investigação do Medicamento (iMed.ULisboa). The mission of iMed.UL is to foster research at the interface of biology, chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences.  CPM/URIA centered research activities on the molecular mechanisms of microbial pathogenicity and cellular response to infection aiming at preventing, diagnosing and treating infectious diseases. Advanced training in pharmaceutical and related sciences at the postgraduate level was also a core activity of both units, engaging a total of ca. 100 PhD students in 2012.