µVision Build Log


F:\ARM\GYXX\GY262\STM32_IIC\user\GYXX_IIC.uvproj Project File Date: 05/29/2015


Rebuild target 'GYXX_IIC' compiling core_cm3.c... compiling system_stm32f10x.c... assembling startup_stm32f10x_md.s... compiling stm32f10x_rcc.c... compiling stm32f10x_gpio.c... compiling stm32f10x_usart.c... compiling misc.c... compiling delay.c... compiling LED.c... compiling stm32f10x_it.c... compiling IIC.c... compiling usart.c... compiling main.c... main.c(23): warning: #550-D: variable "angle" was set but never used float angle=0; main.c: 1 warning, 0 errors linking... Program Size: Code=6044 RO-data=268 RW-data=52 ZI-data=1636 "..\Output\GYXX_IIC.axf" - 0 Error(s), 1 Warning(s).
ture(s) : RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash * JLink Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x1BA01477 * JLink Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x1BA01477 * JLink Info: Found Cortex-M3 r1p1, Little endian. * JLink Info: FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots * JLink Info: TPIU fitted. ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF003 Target info: ------------ Device: STM32F103C8 VTarget = 3.241V State of Pins: TCK: 0, TDI: 0, TDO: 0, TMS: 1, TRES: 1, TRST: 1 Hardware-Breakpoints: 6 Software-Breakpoints: 8192 Watchpoints: 4 JTAG speed: 4000 kHz Full Chip Erase Done. ***JLink Error: Can not read register 0 (R0) while CPU is running ***JLink Error: Can not read register 1 (R1) while CPU is running ***JLink Error: Can not read register 2 (R2) while CPU is running ***JLink Error: Can not read register 3 (R3) while CPU is running ***JLink Error: Can not read register 4 (R4) while CPU is running ***JLink Error: Can not read register 5 (R5) while CPU is running Programming Done. Verify OK. Application running ... LE); /* ¿ªÆôʱÖÓ */ ..\Peripherals\src\usart.c(154): warning: #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline } ..\Peripherals\src\usart.c: 6 warnings, 5 errors "..\Output\GYXX_IIC.axf" - 5 Error(s), 6 Warning(s). Target not created