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CMUcam4 Arduino Interface Library
For Firmware Versions 1.00 - 1.03
Application Programmable Interface Online Documentation
You need to install the Arduino Interface Library first before being able to use it with your Arduino Environment. To do so, go to the files web page by clicking here and download the CMUcam4-Arduino-Interface-Library-101 file and unzip it. You should see a single folder inside called CMUcam4.
Next, find and open your Arduino sketchbook folder. If there is already a folder inside of your sketchbook folder called libraries, then place the CMUcam4 folder inside of the libraries folder. Otherwise, create a folder called libraries inside of your sketchbook folder and place the CMUcam4 folder inside of the libraries folder.
Finally, if you currently have the Arduino IDE open, restart it. Then, if you go to the Sketch > Import Library menu you should see CMUcam4 listed there. Click on the CMUcam4 menu item to include the interface library at the top of your sketch.
We recommend that you check out the example code included with the interface library before you begin programming. You can check out our example code by going to File > Examples > CMUcam4 and clicking on the examples listed there.
Please refer to the CMUcam4 Manual for more information about CMUcam4 commands, data packets, and error codes. This documentation assumes that you have read through the command list users manual. Additionally, please refer to the Electrical and Component Characteristics documentation for more information about the CMUcam4's power consumption and the CMUcam4's specifications.
To use the CMUcam4 with your Arduino you need to connect the CMUcam4 to one of the Arduino's serial ports. You can connect the CMUcam4 to the Arduino from either the 4-Pin Prop Clip/Plug Port , the 6-Pin Arduino Adapter Port , or the 2-Pin Arduino Shield Port located on the CMUcam4. Please see the Board Layout and Ports documentation for more information about these serial ports.
For serial communication to work you need to connect one and only one RXI pin from the CMUcam4 to a TXO pin on your Arduino, one and only one TXO pin from the CMUcam4 to a RXI pin on your Arduino (the RXI and TXO pins must be from the same serial port on your Arduino), and the CMUcam4 and your Arduino must share a common ground. Additionally, you need to power the CMUcam4 with a power supply capable of delivering at least 250 mA at between 4V to 9V DC .
Because the CMUcam4 connects to the Arduino's serial port it may interfere with programming your Arduino. Some Arduino boards put current limiting resistors between the CMUcam4's serial port and the Ardunio's serial port - like the Arduino Pro. This configuration allows the Arduino Pro to be reprogrammed when a serial programmer is connected and communicate with the CMUcam4 when a serial programmer is not connected. However, the Arduino Pro cannot communicate with the CMUcam4 while a serial programmer is connected. Other types of Arduino boards, like the Arduino Uno, put current limiting resistors between the serial programmer and the Arduino, but not between the CMUcam4 and the Arduino. This configuration allows the Arduino to be able to always communicate with the CMUcam4. However, if a serial programmer is connected to the Arduino while the CMUcam4 is connected to the Arduino then the serial programmer will not be able to communicate with the Arduino.
If you cannot reprogram your Arduino when the CMUcam4 is connected to your Arduino you can either disconnect the CMUcam4 from your Arduino or you can put the CMUcam4 into halt mode.
Halt mode allows you to halt the CMUcam4 while still connected to an Arduino. In halt mode, the CMUcam4 draws very little power and does not prevent an Arduino from being programmed by blocking the Arduino's serial port. Halt mode is only necessary if the CMUcam4 interferes with the Arduino programming process. If it does not then halt mode is unnecessary - this is usually the case. Once the CMUcam4 enters halt mode it will not exit halt mode until it is reset. Follow the steps below to enter halt mode:
Press the reset button to exit halt mode.
To use the CMUcam4 interface library you must first include the CMUcam4.h file at the top of your code. Next, you need to instantiate a CMUcam4 interface library object in your code. You can pass either nothing when instantiating the CMUcam4 interface library object or you can pass a serial port number for the serial port the CMUcam4 interface library object should use. The serial port number can be either CMUCOM4_SERIAL, CMUCOM4_SERIAL1, CMUCOM4_SERIAL2, or CMUCOM4_SERIAL3 for serial ports Serial, Serial1, Serial2, and Serial3 on the Arduino and Arduino Mega (only the Arduino Mega supports serial ports Serial1, Serial2, and Serial3). If you do not pass a serial port number, or an invalid serial port number, then the interface library will use the serial port Serial by default. DO NOT use the serial port that you pass the CMUcam4 interface library after calling CMUcam4::begin() and before calling CMUcam4::end(). Sending or receiving data on the serial port while the CMUcam4 interface library is using the serial port will cause the interface library and the CMUcam4 to become confused.
Calling the CMUcam4::begin() function initializes the interface library and the CMUcam4. It changes the communication baud rate from 19,200 BPS to 115,200 BPS for CMUcam4s with firmware version 1.01 or less and changes the communication baud rate from 19,200 BPS to 250,000 BPS for CMUcam4s with firmware version 1.02 or greater. Additionally, the function changes the number of stop bits to one. If the CMUcam4::begin() function is not called all CMUcam4 wrapper functions in the interface library will return the CMUCAM4_NOT_ACTIVATED error number (CMUcam4 wrapper functions are the functions in the CMUcam4 interface library that have the same name as the CMUcam4 commands).
Call the CMUcam4::end() function to finalize the CMUcam4 interface library and release the serial port the interface library was using for use. Before using the serial port the interface library was using you should physically disconnect the CMUcam4 from the serial port the interface library was using.
Once the CMUcam4 interface library has been initialized by calling the CMUcam4::begin() function you can call other functions inside the CMUcam4 interface library. For example, if you want to put the CMUcam4 to sleep to save power you can call either the CMUcam4::sleepLightly() or CMUcam4::sleepDeeply() functions. These functions are wrappers for the CMUcam4 "SD" (sleep deeply) and "SL" (sleep lightly) commands. The interface library has a wrapper function for every CMUcam4 command and helper functions for working with CMUcam4 data structures.
The CMUcam4::trackColor(), CMUcam4::trackWindow(), CMUcam4::getHistogram(), and CMUcam4::getMean() functions are used to track colors with the CMUcam4 and get image statistics with the CMUcam4. When you call any one of the above functions the CMUcam4 enters stream mode and begins sending type F, H, S, and/or T data packets depending on what function you called and what mode the CMUcam4 was in. To get the data packets the CMUcam4 is sending you may call the CMUcam4::getTypeFDataPacket(), CMUcam4::getTypeHDataPacket(), CMUcam4::getTypeSDataPacket(), and CMUcam4::getTypeTDataPacket() to get type F, H, S, and T packets the CMUcam4 is sending respectively. If you call any other function than a getType*DataPacket() function then the CMUcam4 will exit stream mode and you may no longer call any getType*DataPacket() function until you tell the CMUcam4 to enter stream mode again by calling CMUcam4::trackColor(), CMUcam4::trackWindow(), CMUcam4::getHistogram(), or CMUcam4::getMean(). All other functions in the CMUcam4 interface library do not cause the CMUcam4 to enter stream mode and may be called in any order.
When the CMUcam4 enters stream mode it begins to constantly send data packets to the Arduino. You need to call the getType*DataPacket() functions to get the data packets and keep the Arduino's serial buffer from overflowing while the CMUcam4 is in stream mode. Always process data packets sent by the CMUcam4 after receiving all the data packets sent by the CMUcam4 during the current image frame. For example, if line mode is enabled and the CMUcam4 is sending type T data packets followed by type F data packets then call CMUcam4::getTypeTDataPacket() and then call CMUcam4::getTypeFDataPacket() and then process the type T data packet and the type F data packet. DO NOT process the type T data packet before getting the type F data packet or the Arduino's serial buffer may overflow.
If you want the CMUcam4 to exit stream mode but do not want it to execute another command call the CMUcam4::idleCamera() function.
All non-file system related functions have a timeout of 1 second. This means that if communication is lost with the CMUcam4 all non-file system related functions will return in a second with the CMUCAM4_SERIAL_TIMEOUT error. However, all file system related functions have a timeout of 1 hour because file system related commands can take an arbitrary amount of time. Be suspicious of electrical communication and/or power problems if your Arduino program appears to hang on a CMUcam4 interface library file system call. But, understand that file system related functions like CMUcam4::formatDisk() and CMUcam4::diskSpace() can take several minutes or more to run.
The interface library uses a non-trivial amount of RAM on the Arduino and Arduino Mega. For example, Type F Data Packets require six hundred bytes of RAM. Because of this, you need to keep track of your memory usage. To learn how to do this please click here for a tutorial by Jee Labs on memory usage.
The Arduino may not be able to handle receiving type F packets because it runs out of memory. We recommend that if you want to receive type F packets, you should use an Arduino Mega or Arduino Due with the interface library.
The interface library is composed of a CMUcam4 object and a CMUcom4 object. The CMUcam4 object is the interface library and the CMUcom4 object is a platform specific functionality wrapper. Only the CMUcom4.cpp file and CMUcom4.h file need to be edited to port the interface library. The CMUcam4 object calls functions inside of the CMUcom4 object for serial and timer functionality.
Porting the CMUcom4.cpp and CMUcom4.h file is straight forward. Just supply each Arduino serial and timer function wrapper with the appropriate function call in your microcontroller or operating system. Additionally, you will need to edit the maximum baud rate and minimum stop bits constants in the CMUcom4.h file. Finally, you will also need to edit the command and response serial buffer sizes in the CMUcom4.h file - the command and response serial buffers do not need to be and should not be larger than 256 bytes.
The interface library assumes that chars are at least 8 bits, ints and size_ts are at least 16 bits, and longs are at least 32 bits. These assumptions are valid for all platforms implementing standard C data types . Additionally, the interface library assumes your microcontroller or operating system is little little-endian. If your operating system or microntroller does not implement standard C data types and/or is not little endian then you will need to also edit the CMUcam4.cpp file and CMUcam4.h file to support your particular microcontroller or operating system.
Please note that as of v1.01 the Arduino Due is now supported.